THE Creativity Chronicles
A journal of creative thoughts, content commissions I'm working on and where I'm at right now.
The life of a creative copywriter.
That is the question of the day. Some of the reasons you might not be able to create content? You’re sick Your child is sick You’re on holiday Someone dies You’re too busy actually working to focus on content creation. I’ve experienced all of these examples and that’s why I have a system in place […]
Something that is often a learning curve for coaching clients – you have to say it again. Saying something once is often not enough. Whether you’re selling a product, showing a key message or defining your difference, the chances are your audience will miss it the first time. Not all of them, but most of […]
Where to begin when writing a blog post? What do you need to think about? Is it even worth creating a blog? A blog works for myriad reasons – the main one people talk about is search engine rankings and being found for key topics (in short, getting new leads) but what people don’t talk […]
Can I start by saying choosing fifteen favourite About pages is nigh on impossible. I mean, I managed to shortlist to 35 and that was stressful enough so I want to start by saying that this was an extremely hard call and I’ve tried to choose some different industries (I could do a top fifteen […]