THE Creativity Chronicles
A journal of creative thoughts, content commissions I'm working on and where I'm at right now.
The life of a creative copywriter.
One of the things that puts my clients off marketing their business is the overwhelm of what to do, where to even begin and the sheer lack of time. Most entrepreneurs and small business owners are juggling running their businesses, modern family life and trying to manage the marketing, finances and day-to-day operations all simultaneously. […]
I spend a lot of time speaking to people about their email marketing and quite often, they haven’t got a strategy, haven’t sent a mailout, don’t know their statistics and haven’t been nurturing their email list so quite frankly, it’s a recipe for e-saster. It’s no surprise really that so many people tell me email […]
The other day I received an email and the subject line was “here is the info you asked me for”. It was a sales email about something I had never actually asked for so today I decided to put together a little blog post about this “technique” of using a line that makes it look […]
The reason you don’t know what to write is most likely because you aren’t sure of what you want to say. So many businesses aren’t clear on their core messages – the things that are important for your audience to understand from the outset or what sets you apart. That’s why all of my courses […]
Once upon a time I worked in retail and so I have been on the receiving end of mystery shopping but the way that I do it is a little differently from the retail world. In the shop I used to work there were clear points we would get from performing well when we were […]
I’m popping in to day with a blog post about blogging. People often tell me that blogs don’t work for them or they don’t receive enough traffic etc so I created this post to clear up one major misconception when it comes to blogging: blog posts are not just for generation – your blog can […]
When it comes to social media, I find there are often two different types of people – planners and posters. Planners plan their grid, thinking about how the visuals looks together and then pre-writing their content in advance and Posters write on the spot as/when they have inspiration, writing “live” as it were. Here are […]
Anyone who knows me will know that I’m passionate about minimalism. It all started a few years ago when I watched the Netflix documentary Minimalism and after that I devoured every book on the topic, reduced my possessions and began to reassess my relationship in life with my things. A couple of years later I […]
Your headline is one of the most important things you’ll ever write. Whether it’s for your email newsletter or your blog post, the important bit is always to get that click from your potential customer. If you’re writing an email newsletter this headline will determine whether or not your email even gets seen by your […]
The power of a great newsletter is undeniable. Those who love and follow you are more likely to buy from you than those who don’t. Despite having written newsletters for around 15 years for brands all around the world, I’ve actually only recently started writing my own. Because I’ve always had a waiting list for […]